Flight Simulator such as additional aircraft or geographical areas.
I assume MS has to consent to (and profit from) the Flight Simulator
add-ons or their legal forces would stop the practice.
Would this concept work for GPL? I have seen many postings on the
desired features of a next-version of GPL, but there are apparently no
plans for any of these at Papy. Could an independent group work with
Papy to develop additional cars, seasons, etc. that could be sold to we
the loyal? Dave Noonan's track converter is an example, and I hope his
fine work has been rewarding for him.
If a group with the talent that contributes free to the USPits and
GPLEA could organize and work with limited assistance from Papy, it
would seem that additional features could be added with a low enough
overhead to sell to the small but dedicated number of GPL fans.
What do you think?
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Before you buy.