online races, need but hands on the wheel
> You want to be able to have both the paddles and the shifter bound to
> the shift function? Depending on the game, some games such as F1 2002
> allow you to bind multiple buttons to the same function I think,
> although you have to hack the player file to do it. Also, you could try
> remapping the shifter in the Logitech Profiler software so that it sends
> the same signal as the paddles. I have not tried that, but it appears
> like it should be possible.
> the shift function? Depending on the game, some games such as F1 2002
> allow you to bind multiple buttons to the same function I think,
> although you have to hack the player file to do it. Also, you could try
> remapping the shifter in the Logitech Profiler software so that it sends
> the same signal as the paddles. I have not tried that, but it appears
> like it should be possible.
> > Spot on Haqsau, I had a Logi FF GP as well & went for the new MOMO,
> pedals
> > are heaps better my only complaint is you either have to use the shift
> > paddles or the gear lever not both.......but I guess it means you can
> use
> > the unused shift for wilco or something