Nascar Pro


Nascar Pro

by Doug » Thu, 24 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Hi all, Has anyone else had this problem with the nascar pro wheel. I
have to lower my chair to a very low postion so my knees dont hit the
console clamps. I am thinking about rebuilding my T2. I could keep my
chair all the way up and still be able to use the pedals. With the Pro
it's hard to use the pedals with my chair way down. Any ideas?  
                   Thanks Doug D
Philip For

Nascar Pro

by Philip For » Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Yea lift your table up ;-))

I have T1 and I use velcro works a treat.

Rgds Phil.

>Hi all, Has anyone else had this problem with the nascar pro wheel. I
>have to lower my chair to a very low postion so my knees dont hit the
>console clamps. I am thinking about rebuilding my T2. I could keep my
>chair all the way up and still be able to use the pedals. With the Pro
>it's hard to use the pedals with my chair way down. Any ideas?
>                   Thanks Doug D


Nascar Pro

by MTB60 » Fri, 25 Sep 1998 04:00:00

build a***pit where you sit with your ***six inches from the ground with
the wheel and monitor in perfect position. if want the basics e:mail me. you
can make it with one sheet of plywood some screws and two hours.
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