I'm very experienced in N1 and am getting frustrated with N2. I've
downloaded several .car files and have put them in BOTH my car and N2
directories to make sure I didn't miss something. In the game I go to the
"New Driver" mode and it gives me the list of files available. I see the
new file, but when I click on "OK" it doesn't do anything. If I try to
type the name in manually it tells me that file already exists. Also,
those files aren't showing up on the left side column allowing me to just
add them to the field of cars. Lastly, the exported file names seem a bit
confusing. If I'm right, there isn't a set group of pcx names. It seems
like the names are based on whatever you initially named the driver. I
need some help here seriously. I'm trying to get a decent carset to run
with that is more than just the 36 real drivers Papyrus has provided.
Please help me to get these .car files into my game. Thanks a lot.