> Problem might be your Celeron : Voodoo2 is optimised for PII.
> Celeron i think has smaller cache and may not allow voodoo2 to show its full
> potential.
> Also use the direct drivers if they work esp if playing over internet.
> Cheers
> Greg
> >I just upgraded from a Voodoo card to a Voodoo 2 card. Although my frame
> >rates have increased, I find that the steering has gotten pretty shaky and
> >jittery.
> >I've tried playing around with the linear slide bar, but it still shakes.
> >This happens at all resolutions.
> >My system is on overclocked Celeron 300A (to 450), and I'm using a Thomas
> >TSW Sport Wheel. I've done a full install of GPL, and I'm using the
> >"Generic" driver.
> >Any help would be appreciated.
No...the problem should not be your Celeron 300/450 (I've got one) or
Voodoo2 (I've got one). It sounds like a bad or dirty steering pot in
the TSW (Yep, I have one of those, too).
Try using electrical contact cleaner (Radio Shack sells it) on the
steering pot. If the pot is okay...try another game and see if it's
just GPL...try using the Direct Input option in GPL. This should give
you better response than the Generic.
Also, be very sure that your TSW is properly recognized and calibrated
in the Windows Game Controllers applet before starting GPL.
Neil Yeatman
Ajax, Ontario, CANADA