>> No, actually I haven't yet. I will try a couple, will report back soon.
>> Will
>> also check and see what version I am using for the cat's.........I
>> believe
>> it is 5.10/CCC right now. I don't recall where exactly I go on my system
>> that tells me the Cat's release number, not veriosn number.
> Not sure really, only place I could find it was on the installation file
> I DL'ed from ATI, apparently I'm running 5.6.....obviously I'm not
> paying as much attention to this stuff I used to
> Beers and cheers
> (uncle) Goy
> "When two or more people are gathered together in my name,
> they shall perform the Parrot Sketch..."
> --Our Lord John Cleese--
reverting to an older then?? I have tried the 5.9 and 5.10. I was using the
5.8 before reformat with no problems, but if it is the chip or mobo causing
the grief, would be nice to know what the masses are running to get things
smooth. RBR runs sweeeeeeet at 1600x1200. BF2 lost a file somehow and can't
check it. LFS2 seemed pretty good as well, but as far as grphics go, I get
kinda lost with all the options in the menu. I'd like to set everything to
as high as can go to try, but not sure what all that stuff really is. It
does run smooth, and like RBR, there are a few stutters during replay. All
in all............it may be appearing it is a game vs system issue NOT the
mobo/cpu. I really kind of hope so, that means all is fine here. Just
installed Aquamark3 and will run it shortly as well.
I'll be bock !! (use your terminator voice) ok, stupid,