that is because the game engine was only designed for 3 engine
manufacters....Ford, Mercedes, and Honda. The new 2000 carset is write
protected so the game can't automatically change the fourth engine brand
to a default brand. Since the 2000 set contains many Toyota engines,
whenever you are near them, a high pitched whine replaces their engine
noise...distracting isn't it?
To get rid of them, you would have to change the drivers2.txt and
replace the toyota #(I think it is 3) with either 0,1, or 2. But then
the sim will report Vasser etc as Fords or Hondas instead of Toyos.
dave henrie
This kinda shows how OLD OLD OLD ICR2 really is...Toyota recently set
a record for the most starts without a win, almost 300 and that just
came to an end a week ago when Montoya won at Milwaukee. Toyota wasn't
even a participant in CART racing when the ICR2 was made..and check out
those Goodyear tires....Not even Stockholder Penske uses them anymore.
here is the first part of the drivers2.txt that you would have to change
DINFO 1 1 3 1 550 575 500 500 500 500 700 750 Juan_Montoya...
and change it to..
DINFO 1 1 2 1 550 575 500 500 500 500 700 750 Juan_Montoya...
the 3 would have to be swapped to a lower # for each Toyota driver
the #'s mean, in order...
car #, chassis brand, engine package, and tires..
this carset doesn't include Swifts or Penske chassis.
> I downloaded the cart 2000 carset. It seems to be fine, but there is a
> really high pitched sound with some of the AI engines. Anyone know if
> this is a bug?