the really good car painters are caught up to the N3 paintkit and release
carsets of their own (im sure it wont take too long though). Im in no way
trying to undermine all the great car painters out there but since i am rather
sick of following number 125 and the likes (as im sure many of you are) and ive
already made a few cars to fill out the fields in N3. These cars most likely
wont use templates as these are only temeporary cars (and with the lighting in
N3 they dont look to bad). I dont have anyplace to post these cars if i do
follow throught with this plan so ill need someone with a website to post them
for me (if someone would be so kind). Like i said this is totally based on the
response i get from other people to this idea.
"Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold
that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass."--Mark Twain