> Will NR1999 run on a Cirux machine without a patch?
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Bart :-)
Metro619 schreef:
> Will NR1999 run on a Cirux machine without a patch?
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>Bart :-)
It better, 'cause there's no "official" patch yet.
I couldn't get the INSTALL program to run on mine. Luckily I had a LAN
at home and installed onto MY computer, from the Better Half's Intel 166.
The .exe's ran just fine - both the Win95 and DOS .exe's. And mine was a
6x86-166+ (NON-MMX). Even had decent enough frame rates w/my Canopus Pure3D
Man, I love this game (oops - sim!!)!! When I finally talked the Better
Half into buying it she said "I'd better see you playing this every time
you're at your computer." Now all she says is, "would you get OFF that
thing and quit racing!"
Don Hancock