I would suggest an additional modifaication which will not only improve the
spring life but give a better feel to the pedals and bring your lap times
down. I first posted this over a year ago and a lot of people have used it
with great sucess. Simply place a *** ball of your choice behind the pedal.
You will need a backstop for the ball to rest against. The ball will provide a
progressively stronger resisitance simulating the feel of a real brake pedal,
try different balls, some people use tennis balls, squash balls or what ever.
After a lot of testing I use a firm toy ball for the brake and a soft ball for
the throttle. By placing the ball higher or lower on the pedal it will change
the resisitance and travel.
My brake goes full lock with about 1 1/2" of firm travel, ht ethrottle a good
2" of softer feel.
Good luck, John Moore
> Thanks Glen.
> This is what I need. I knew this was out there... I'm calling to cancel my
> order on those paperclips that Thrustmaster is selling.....
> Thanks,
> Brit
> --
> The Artist formerly known as the Mocker
> > Here is the link to a site that offers a repair kit for the pedals. I
> have
> > not tried this (yet), but it looks like a great improvement.
> > http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> > Glen Pittman