-track model looks more impressive
-that's about it...
cons -physic engine *seems* only comparable to CPR, I'd give it a chance
with a wheel but i get a really shitty frame rate
-i got only a health frame to half a frame a second, the install wasn't
much faster either
-i was about to *** about the sound, but it was flawed because of the
I don't know how my opinion will stand, but with my computer; give F1-2k
this games graphics, keep the EA's frame rate (rough guesstimate being
18/.5... 36 times faster), and F1-2k with sound patches isn't all that
bad. And that would make the better of the F1 games, sim doesn't quite
apply, to date.
The 'but with my computer' supposed to imply for optimum performance
with my system. I seem to get an unusually high fps with F1-2k compared
to better systems. On a p3 450, 128, tnt 1 16 i get +/-18 with F1-2k and
the .5-1 with F1WGP.