>>>A dirty potentiometer in your steering wheel could be the culprit. You
>>>can spray the pot with Tuner Control cleaner and lubricant, which can be
>>>found at Radio Shack.
>>Possible, but the only thing about that is the fact that I am using a
>>Keith Robb
>>Visit the Canadian Military Police
>>and Provost Corps web site at
>>"Freedom is not Free"
>Yeah, same deal though cause your joystick still uses a rotary
>Nigel of Lakewood Motorsports
>Nascar Coruba & Coke Chevy
>New Zealand
From what I'm led to believe from talking to others, there's still a
problem when using Nascar2 (1.03) and your modem at the same time...
I'm told that the car will still jerk once in awhile and I can say
I've experienced this "happening" while online with others in direct
connect mode... If you're racing a race without being on the net or
actually being online somehow.. you shouldn't run into this problem,
but I can't be 100% sure on this.