disapointed. The main problem is there does not seem to be any
way on controlling the KART with the Keyboard - you HAVE to use
either a mouse or a joystick. This is ***y stupid!
Even on things like F1GP and ICR, I prefer to use the keyboard,
and I don't plan on even TRYING to learn how to use the mouse.
The joystick MIGHT be ok - but it feels pretty strange.
Other than that, the game as a whole seems FAR to much like an
Arcade Game - not a simulation.
AND - another dumb thing: You don't seem to be able to install it
to your hard disk, so you have to run it from the CD. Even on
a quad speed drive this takes AGES!
Disapointed of Bracknell.
Andrew Jackson. (Bracknell, Berkshire, England).