Karts looks like it could be pretty cool. Yeah, pretty darned
excellent in fact. Only problem is, it hasn't been released over here
(UK) yet. As far as I can tell, we'll have to wait until about 20 Dec
for it. Grr. Which means no home page for it, even if it's brilliant,
until the new year. And no VK Hall Of Fame (yes, you heard me right:
with GP2 delayed again and again, the new HOF will most likely be
the VKHOF, not HOF2; that will come later). Unless...
Unless somebody out there in North America land wants to send me an
early Xmas present. Just a thought.
See, I told you I was feeling dangerous. Now I wonder just how far I
can push my luck... Anyone want to send me a real racing car? Nah,
just kidding. Unless, of course, someone has a spare racecar lying
around that they don't want... :-)
I will stop being cheeky now. Honest.