>Date: 5/16/03 1:53 AM Central Daylight Time
For most of the loop the curve is much like a sine wave, but
I'm using a very rough approximation for now:
Cylinder(CylinderIndex).Pressure = Cylinder(CylinderIndex).Density /
StandardDensityCold * 14.696
When the exhaust valve opens, the pressure is effectively increased by a factor
of 5 to 7 artificially, so there's not really any work being done anywhere in
the system. This keeps things very fast. Unless the exhaust model works as I
hope there isn't much point in going with a more complete in-cylinder model
with proper thermodynamics, I figure. It's got to stay simple enough to run in
real time on my 333Mhz laptop with 3D graphics and physics running on top of it
I am modelling cycle to cycle variations in combustion
I hadn't heard of using charts, that's a neat idea and should be feasible
perhaps for a real time system. I'll look into it once the exhaust system is
working. I did use those functions in an in-cylinder combustion model
experiment several years ago (with the Wiebe function for mass fraction burned
you described) and it worked pretty well. This was back in my QBasic days
though :-P If I recall correctly, I spent quite a bit of time developing a
formula to approximate the variation of the ratio of specific heat capacities
throughout the temperature range. Of course, I might have just extrapolated a
bunch of data points, I don't remember for sure.
Interesting. I'll archive this and have another look when I get back to
(attempting) a more complete engine model (non-real time). For now all the
system is doing is randomly altering the cylinder mass from cycle to cycle. It
gives a little bit of texture to the sound, but also static if you go too far
with it.
I don't know, but phasing effects may give a more
I'm not sure I'm following you here. Can you elaborate?
Try playing around with some discretised
I'll take a look, thanks. Although this isn't really too difficult, I think.
What's killing me is the exhaust system right now. I'll have to sit down and
look at it again when I get some time.
Thanks again for sharing!
Todd Wasson
Racing Software
My car sim