You need to create two additional drivers, call them MF2 Johnson and MF3
Johnson for example, and edit the player.ini file for each driver. This
file is found in the Gpl\players\<player name> folder.
In the player.ini file there is the following section:
[ Personal Information ]
carNumber = 4 ; preferred car number
driverNationality = 12 ; nationality of the driver
driverRating = 3 ; driver rating
drivingView = 1 ; driving view
firstName = Phil ; first name of the player
helmetColor = 0 ; helmet color
lastName = Lee ; last name of the player
lastTrackSelection = mexico ; last track visited
team = 5
Change the driverRating to 2 for F2 racing and 1 for F3 racing. By creating
three drivers you can chose between F1, F2 and F3 by changing drivers. This
also means that you can save lap records for the different formulae as well.