?>I wonder if anyone can help. I had an awsome crash (Or Flight) where
?>both my wings, and three of my wheels came off. I could obviously not
?>drive to the pits but I wanted to save my mega crash. When I went to save
?>hot lap, it said that there was no hot lap info.
?>Does this mean that I can't save my replays if I can't make it to pits?
?>If so then this is one major slip up..
?>Thanking you in anticipation
?I ran into the same problem. The only way I was able to save the
?crash, was to pick "save game" from the menu. There should be a save
?replay option!
I couldn't agree more, and I sincerely hope Microprose will write a
patch addressing this oversight. The only explanation I can see as to why they
incorporated replays as half-baked as they did, is that they didn't want to be
bothered with making VCR controls. Geoff Crammond may wish to preserve his
artistic integrity, but this is computer *science*, and refusing to take a look
at Papyrus' games is really a bit out of place here. He's a great programmer,
but he's no Flaubert...
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