skill rating system


skill rating system

by ILLEAGL » Thu, 02 Oct 1997 04:00:00

Just an opinion from a hawaii racer.   I have heard that the current skill
rating system on hawaii will be converted to NRO.    As a personal opinion
i think that that is a deficit
to the great drivers that cant afford the phone time that some of the
locals dont have to payin hawaii's local calling area.
The way it should be everyone starts at ground 0 and work your way up.   If
you are that good you'll get your rating back but at the same time, some of
us poor people don't have to suffer.  I'd like to hear the comments one way
or the other.

thnx Terry Petridis     alius ILLEAGLE

Jim Sokolof

skill rating system

by Jim Sokolof » Thu, 02 Oct 1997 04:00:00

> Just an opinion from a hawaii racer.   I have heard that the current skill
> rating system on hawaii will be converted to NRO.    As a personal opinion
> i think that that is a deficit
> to the great drivers that cant afford the phone time that some of the
> locals dont have to payin hawaii's local calling area.

Well, yes, but so long as there a nothing tremendously valuable offered
to only high skill drivers in the first months of the TEN service, I
think the "thank you" to the good drivers on Hawaii of getting to keep
some semblance of their existing rating is justified.

I think the purposes of the rating system are well served by converting
existing ratings to the new service. After all the current top drivers
at Hawaii have proven they can race cleanly and quickly and shouldn't be
subjected to mindless pickup crashfests until they can "reprove"
themseleves. They've done it once, and they've helped Papyrus a lot
along the way by testing the service and game. Papyrus would be ill
served to slap them in the face in the name of fairness to those have
not helped Papyrus along the way.

So long as enough time is allowed to elapse before money/prize paying
tourneys start which are restricted to drivers with a certain ranking, I
think it's perfectly fair and reasonably for existing drivers to inherit
some form of their old Hawaii rankings.


Michael Grand

skill rating system

by Michael Grand » Thu, 02 Oct 1997 04:00:00

Well said Jim. I think it is important that drivers that have not raced on
Hawaii can understand that the time and money spent to test hawaii is
something that everyone will benefit from and that it won't take long to
prove yourself if you race clean and competatively. I know I have never said
I wouldn't race someone because I'm a 12 and they are a 2. I think as you
move up the ladder you will appreciate knowing that the guy next to you is a
good , clean racer. I understand not all drivers with high skill ratings are
safe, but for the most part they are.

>> Just an opinion from a hawaii racer.   I have heard that the current
>> rating system on hawaii will be converted to NRO.    As a personal
>> i think that that is a deficit
>> to the great drivers that cant afford the phone time that some of the
>> locals dont have to payin hawaii's local calling area.

>Well, yes, but so long as there a nothing tremendously valuable offered
>to only high skill drivers in the first months of the TEN service, I
>think the "thank you" to the good drivers on Hawaii of getting to keep
>some semblance of their existing rating is justified.

>> The way it should be everyone starts at ground 0 and work your way up.
>> you are that good you'll get your rating back but at the same time, some
>> us poor people don't have to suffer.  I'd like to hear the comments one
>> or the other.

>I think the purposes of the rating system are well served by converting
>existing ratings to the new service. After all the current top drivers
>at Hawaii have proven they can race cleanly and quickly and shouldn't be
>subjected to mindless pickup crashfests until they can "reprove"
>themseleves. They've done it once, and they've helped Papyrus a lot
>along the way by testing the service and game. Papyrus would be ill
>served to slap them in the face in the name of fairness to those have
>not helped Papyrus along the way.

>So long as enough time is allowed to elapse before money/prize paying
>tourneys start which are restricted to drivers with a certain ranking, I
>think it's perfectly fair and reasonably for existing drivers to inherit
>some form of their old Hawaii rankings.



skill rating system

by Handy^Ma » Thu, 02 Oct 1997 04:00:00

> Maybe the first prize/money events could be open qualifying and take the best
>  36 or whatever drivers for the event. Skill rankings should probably be used
>  as a basis for deciding who to race against in a league.

now that's the most logical Idea that I've heard in a long time...
Even I could buy that one  :)

8<-----snip rest-------8<----
Sit down,Strap in,Shut up,Hang on,Go fast,Turn left,,,Kiss Trophy Girl
GGGGGGgoooo #3,,,31,,,28,,,94,,,6,,,5,,,18,,,8,,,


skill rating system

by WalkWal » Fri, 03 Oct 1997 04:00:00

Maybe the first prize/money events could be open qualifying and take the best
 36 or whatever drivers for the event. Skill rankings should probably be used
 as a basis for deciding who to race against in a league.
 elapse before money/prize paying
 to drivers with a certain ranking,

Then, everyone will be happy.


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