close racing too.
Look out GPL, LFS, NR2003 and everything else out there!!!
Look out GPL, LFS, NR2003 and everything else out there!!!
> Look out GPL, LFS, NR2003 and everything else out there!!!
Mr. Sylvestre
Is the control method "button mashing"???
Anyone ever play "decathalon" for Atari 2600? This is gonna be taken the
wrong way, but you have to move the joystick back and fourth as fast as
possible to run. There's a 100M sprint, hurdles (hit the button to jump), a
bunch of other games, and a 4000M run that goes into sprint mode for the
final 200M. Crazy...
>Is the control method "button mashing"???
> Is the control method "button mashing"???
> Anyone ever play "decathalon" for Atari 2600? This is gonna be taken the
> wrong way, but you have to move the joystick back and fourth as fast as
> possible to run. There's a 100M sprint, hurdles (hit the button to jump), a
> bunch of other games, and a 4000M run that goes into sprint mode for the
> final 200M. Crazy...
On a more serious tangent: aside from some really BAD things I have
seen at the gym, have there been any games that are somehow controlled
by level of physical effort and/or rhythm. If you could make a
compelling fighting game that somehow interfaced with something like a
powerball <>, maybe by wireless usb...
> This is -certainly- no GPL!
> Andre
Never had an Atari... but it sound much like the "decathalon" first played
on the PC back in '83 or '84.. "Bruce Jenner's decathalon" or something
like that I think it was called... (not "Bruce Jenner's World Class
decathalon" that was released in '96 or so...) Man what a keyboard
killer.... 4-5 of us used to compete against each other... all bashing up
the keyboard on that poor little Olivetti M24... A wonder that little 8mhz
8086 CPU could take it :-)
Ohhh the memories :o)
>Look out GPL, LFS, NR2003 and everything else out there!!!