Now there is a product that will allow us to talk to each other. This
currently allows up to 5 people...
Don Wilshe, IVGA
GatherTalk research was initially performed under the project
Interactive Voice Communications Systems. It was developed by Department
of Electronic
Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Starting from July of
1996, the Centre for Internet Exchange Technologies of CUHK continued
development and productization of GatherTalk.
GatherTalk is a phone on Internet. It allows interactive voice
conversations around the world. GatherTalk does even more than a phone.
It allows teleconferencing on Internet, 3 people conferencing using
14.4kbps modems and 5 people conferencing using 28.8kbps modems.
Our algorithm does not require any intermediate chat servers. All
connections are direct. This shortens the transmission and processing
delays, and also allows the most valuable feature, private conferencing.
i.e. You can make your own conferencing groups as you wish.
For further details on GatherTalk, please visit the features of
GatherTalk. To explore what is new in GatherTalk, please visit the
what's new section.
GatherTalk is also free for download. Please take one and evaluate our
For any inquiry and comments, please feel free to contact us.
Who would like to try this out???????????????????