Untrue. I'm pretty sure a geforce 3 cannot produce a decent framerate
without a decent processor.
Turn off Anti Aliasing and make sure V-Synch is off. Not too familiar with the GeForce 3 but I have heard some say the GeForce 2 works better. Hope that helps some.
Mike Grandy
Proud Member of Precision Racing Internet Race Team
3 A Champion Forever-Godspeed Dale
Hello All:
I have a two week old PC; Athalon 1.33 GHz, 256 RAM, GeForce3, SoundBlaster
LIVE, etc, etc.
Everything works like a charm on this machine with the exception of NASCAR4.
It seems that whenever there is traffic on the track, the video become choppy.
Per COMPAQ's and Sierra's recommendations, I have tried the following:
1) Reduced the graphics to MIN for World view, car details, etc, etc
2)Updated to the latest GeForce drivers from NVIDIA
3) Installed every version of DirectX8 that I can get my hands on.
My "Mad Onion" program tests the 3D as OK, and my Need for SpeedIII, and other
programs run fine.
Any suggestions? Anyone else experience this?
Everyone I talk to says the GeForce3 should NEVER be choppy for any reason?
Thanks for any suggestions!
There's the rub.