AFAIK, Papyrus didn't mention double-file restarts, but it may have
been Sierra (no, it ain't the same thing)...Sierra had even gone so far
as to say a track-editor was included!!...Bad CS on Sierra's part.
The save game feature was an obvious oversite, but was left out on
purpose...Papyrus felt (and rightly so) that if couldn't be done right,
don't put it in. They may have also felt it wasn't an important enough
feature to have, but they do listen to this newsgroup, and IMO that's
why it'll be in an upcoming patch.
I have no problems running N2 with all graphics (except grass/asphalt-
15 opponents) using a Diamond Stealth 2Mb DRAM card on a P100.
With a Canopus card, I draw all ahead, 3 behind, ALL graphics, and -
depending on the track - get anywhere from 24-28fps...
30 fps with grass/asphalt off...18-24 ALL graphics in multiplayer...Not
too bad IMO. :)
I've had the production version on my system since Dec, and the only
crash was when attempting to save a replay during a modem session.
All in all, N2 is a solid-product (IMHO), but is in need of some tweaking.
The most important (again - IMO) is a fix to the AI problem at some of
the tracks, finish some of the Rendition stuff (aside from anti-alaising),
While I would like to see something in the form of a patch soon, I feel
that the product I have now is playable, and one which I thoroughly
enjoy. Of course, my comments are likely to draw fire from those with
differing views... ;)
Best Regards,
Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News - USA