But after resist to this game since a long time (the demo i tried didn't enjoy
me, sorry)
i finally decide yesterday to give it a second chance and buy it.
So, i went to the french Sierra web site and order it for $13. Very cheap for
the "ultimate racing
sim", don't you think ?
A funny stuff, i will discover the 2 best sims for the moment at the same time
(GP3 and GPL).
But i know that a tons of downloads are waiting for me in a lot of GPL' web
sites (patch, cars, tracks....).
2): In a other french electronic buy web site, i saw that they have a "special
F1 *** gamer pack" that
included GP3 and the MS steering Wheel ( not the FF one) for 640 FF ( $100). It
is a good deal ?
(In France, GP3 alone will be sold at 340 FF ( $52) and the MS SW costs 490 FF
($78) so it will be a $30 safe.
Actually, I hesitate between a FFSW and a no-FFSW. But the FFSW cost around 2.5
times the price of no-FFSW.
Can you help me, please ?