>>Later you will probably want to open the differential more to get more
>>car rotation this takes more practice to balance, but lets the car steer
>>more easily.
> How does someone 'open' the differential? Do you use larger numbers?
> a bigger gap between the two? Or do you try to reduce the difference?
> Many folks see terms like this, and just have no idea what you are talking
> about and how to implement it.
> Thanks for your advice
> dave henrie
As I understand it the differential ramp angle figures xx/xx refer to
the "tendency to lock the differential" with power on/without power on,
which I look at as being during whether or not you use the accelerator
so even more simplified the first figure is out of a corner and the
second going into a corner. There are much better and more technical
explanations on the net. The further I get into it the more likely I
will be talking rubbish but here goes.
Put into the context of my post:
Most setups that are based on the differentials in the default setups
have figures like 85/30/4 85/45/4 and so on.
The smaller the angle the quicker the differential locks so 85 locks
slower than 30. So in a 85/30/x setup the differential locks quicker on
power off than on power on and so it locks on braking helping to keep
you straight and turn entry causing understeer and opens more when you
apply throttle allowing you to be more careless with the throttle, but
less than maximum acceleration. The final figure is clutches and I will
not discuss them here except to say that the tendency is to see more
clutches as increasing the tendency to lock, but with less effect than
decreasing the angle. Clutches affect both sides.
These 85/30/x or 85/45/x (x typically between 3 and 6) setups are useful
for beginners to learn early turn in, understeering onto the apex,
without spinning however this type of setup has come under critism as
unhistorical and encouraging "bad habits"
"Intermediate" style setups are of the type 60/60/x (x typically 1 or 2)
These setups turn more easily, lock up much less on power off somewhat
more on power off. When you go over from 85/30/4 to 60/60/1 you tend to
oversteer into the corners until you get used to it.
From what I have seen expert setups venture into the 45/85/x style
reversing the tendencies from the default setups. In other words the
differential will have very little tendency to lock on braking and turn
in be open in the corner and lock when you get on the accelerator.
I have gone way beyond my incompetency level but this is my attempt at
understanding what I have read on the subject and relating it to my own
humble attempts at driving GPL cars.
More expert opinions can be found at:
Niels Heusinkveld setup guide (with useful table combining rampangles
and clutches).
Nunnini's GPL Foolishness site
Paul Jacksons setup site