On Sat, 28 Nov 1998 23:12:40 -0500, "Gambler1"
>Noticed Im suffering some wheel "shudder " in GPL
>anyone with a clue what causes that ?? and what I need to do to fix ?
>Thanks in advance
>David Hudson
>"Gambler 1"
>Team 3DFX NROS Racing Team
>Director of ARSE Online Racing League
David, the potentiometer in your joystick is 'dirty'. This can
be confirmed by going to the Win9x calibration or test routine
and observing the 'dot' as you oh-so-slightly-and-gently move the
controller left and right. Jumpy 'dot', dirty pot.
You'll have to pick up some contact cleaner at Radio Shack or
some such, take the controller apart, and squirt the little
*** while you wiggle the controller around. Don't use WD-40.
Turn the computer off.
Note that when a potentiometer gets to this stage, it's on it's
last legs.
Mark R.