Touring car championship

Joel Willstei

Touring car championship

by Joel Willstei » Mon, 25 Oct 1999 04:00:00

     Does anyone know if the Pits plan on doing the Touring car patch for

Joel Willstein

Dave Henri

Touring car championship

by Dave Henri » Mon, 25 Oct 1999 04:00:00

  Yes!  "I think!"  :)

  I believe the plan is for next years offline championship to continue
with the N99 patched version, keeping the trucks as a base.  But I also
believe they are planning a 2nd ONLINE league using N3.  Expect that to
be based on the V-8 Aussie Touring Cars  rather than the current 2.0
litre Super Tourers.  I'm only a driver in the TPTCC so I can't confirm
dave henrie

>      Does anyone know if the Pits plan on doing the Touring car patch for
> Nas3?

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