I have been sim racing for many years now, right back to the days of F1GP on
an Atari ST.
I have had many PCs, and as I have upgraded them, I have noticed one very
special thing about the way sims behave...
If your PC doesn't have the power to run the sim at a 'decent' frame rate,
then the car will generally understeer.
I don't know why, but it's been true for every sim I have had.
Here's how to treat a new sim...
When you first install it, run it at the easiest setting for your PC, so
that you get the maximum frame rate. Drive around for a bit, to get a feel
for the car. Then, if you want more 'eye candy', start cranking up the
resolution/detail level, etc. Because you have driven the car at the best
frame rate your PC can manage, hopefully (provided your PC isn't too crap),
you will know how the coders intended the car to feel, so when you detect
that the car is now not handling properly, you will know that you've
overdone the 'eye candy'.
Hopefully, if people realise this, and treat sims sensibly, we should get
less whinging about how a sim doesn't feel realistic, every time a new one
comes out, simply because people have cranked all the details up to max, and
are giving their PC a hernia! ;-)