I've seen N2 just plain fly on Pentium Pro. We haven't done much to
accomodate for MMX yet (though I admit I am unaware of this issue with
respect to our products), so any advantage you get there probably wouldn't
be as a direct result of our efforts. N2 has built in Rendition support.
Again, any other 3D accel performance wouldn't be a direct result of our
work - but you might find some. I like Rendition and I like 3dfx, but my
opinion is far from canon.
As far as n2 from US to the land of wonder (the land down under)...if you
can support a 9600 baud connection without dropping too much, then you
could probably run a modem race.
But, ultimately, you're the one who will buy your system -- what do *you*
ryan smart
soft. engineer, papyrus
Usual disclaimers about my opinion being mine and not papyrus'.