>I have another one for you, although quite OT
>The latest James Bond title was:"Tomorrow never dies"
>For Germany there was translated :"Der Morgen stirbt nie".
>For the few english-speaking guys: "The morning never dies" (In german
>"morgen" means "tomorrow" or "morning"
>Obviously somebody translated the title without any english-knowledge
>only using a dictionary.
Well, that one was a bit difficult, since the title of the movie also
referred to the title of a magazine owned by the bad guy, or
something. The translator tried to conserve the pun; and "Morgen
stirbt nie" or "Das Morgen stirbt nie" (which would be correct
translations) sound really stupid. Whatever.
I have a good on-topic one, though: I just bought "Midtown Madness" -
by *Microsoft*, mind, not by a small publisher without sufficient
manpower to make good localizations - in the (almost) completely
translated German version. Apart from really appalling voice-over
commentaries (soo k3wl and soo funny it makes you wanna puke), the
written text contains one of the biggest bloopers ever:
In the demo, the starting sequence goes "ready - set - GO!" The German
equivalent would be "Achtung - fertig - LOS!" ("Auf die Plaetze -
fertig - LOS!" would also be acceptable.) But how did they translate
it? "Fertig - feststellen - LOS!" What the heck is that supposed to
mean? I'm fairly sure no race was ever started with these words in the
history of the German language. "feststellen" - well...
This reminds me of the old Monty Python sketch about the deadly joke:
while translating it into German, none of the translators was allowed
to see more than one word - otherwise, they would die laughing.
Apparently, the joke was still intelligible after this procedure,
though, unlike this 'localized' rubbish. ;)
>>My favourite is the german version of NFHSH, were they refer to "dead zone" as
>>"Todeszone". Really.:)
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Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.