Eh? -use the money cheat for $25,000 (or whatever) and buy one, I'd say.
Of course...
It's one of those games which has "a certain something", despite it's many
flaws. -I quite like it.
> Eh? -use the money cheat for $25,000 (or whatever) and buy one, I'd say.
> Jan.
> =---
> Eh? -use the money cheat for $25,000 (or whatever) and buy one, I'd say.
> Jan.
> =---
No, that's a HC _certificate_. I messed up the terms, sorry.
The normal way is to deliver ad-hoc jobs on time until your rating is high
enough and then look for the recurring jobs from the weekly overview. Time a
load so you're around and rested to drive that route, deliver it on time and
in reasonable shape and you're awarded the license for that route. Once you
have the licence you can put the contract drivers on the route and make a
million bucks.
I'd never actually used the licence cheat before, so I tried it. I started a
midwest game and cheated myself a 4 star skill rating as I figured I'd need
Now the cheat mentions something about it only acting on the selected route
in the management screen, which is strange as it doesn't appear to work
while one's actually at the management screen.
It does work from the driving position, but only on the 1st route (or
perhaps one does need the HC licence to be awarded the other routes, haven't
tested that). The trick is to not type a space between the two numbers. so
"cheat contracts flow 14" gives the 1st route at skill level 4.
Hope this helps,
Distance between pick-up / drop-off areas is compressed. Time compression is
fixed at about 1 second per game minute. This has some rather unfortunate
gameplay consequences as time runs at 60x normal speed when you're waiting
for a red light, pumping gas or backing up in a yard too. Would be better if
the time compression took hold at on- and off ramps or was speed dependant.
Not really. Collisions are unrealistic and unspectacular (e.g. running into
the back of a motorcycle stops the 18 wheeler dead).
But it is fun to play. An ideal unwinding game.