I have the demo of F1..in French. Is it available in English? Also, I
think I saw someone talk about a demo that had 2 tracks.....Is this true?
The full game is not available anywhere near me.
I have the demo of F1..in French. Is it available in English? Also, I
think I saw someone talk about a demo that had 2 tracks.....Is this true?
The full game is not available anywhere near me.
It seems that you are from Canada? You can probably mail order it to your
house from http://www.interactcd.com.
I too have the French demo. I have been trying to obtain the english version
from www.f1racingsim.com., it seems they can no longer give out the demo,
and are waiting for permission from Ubisoft. This is supposed to happen in
January...nevertheless, I did order the game from interact. It is on
Try this link for the demo. I haven't tried it, but it does start to download.
I don't know if it will work and it is not my fault if it doesn't.
> I too have the French demo. I have been trying to obtain the english version
> from www.f1racingsim.com., it seems they can no longer give out the demo,
> and are waiting for permission from Ubisoft. This is supposed to happen in
> January...nevertheless, I did order the game from interact. It is on
> backorder.
> Ciao,
> Gostal
> >I have the demo of F1..in French. Is it available in English? Also, I
> >think I saw someone talk about a demo that had 2 tracks.....Is this true?
> >The full game is not available anywhere near me.
>At http://www.f1racingsim.com you can find the demo in 4 different
I feel that the sim is a step forward, and certainly is better then
the under-developed CPR - the graphics in D3d being totally superior.
I have not had time yet to fully test the AI out, but from what I have
seen, it looks OK.
I use a minimal installation of the game, and have the following
when trying to use setups from the Unofficial F1 racing page, the
game crashes out to Windows and says it is unable to use the file
(yes it is unzipped)
- why despite repeated re-installations does the program still report
an invalid page fault (in the f1 D3d program) when exiting ?