OK, already! Obviously a race format you enjoy. :)
It was something I hadn't heard of before, and I suppose this time I was too
lazy to look it up for myself. Since this is one of my usenet pet peeves, I
really should have been more diligent. My apologies.
<can of worms>
As for it being a demo-derby, I never claimed anything of the sort (ok,
maybe I sort of implied it...I retract my implication, then). I don't know
enough about it to claim much of ANYTHING, although I WILL suggest that one
of the direct consequences of a figure-eight configuration is an increase in
the chance of collisions.
</can of worms>
Mind you, I can see a few of benefits to a figure-eight configuration as
well, such as the fact that you can put a track with both left- and
right-hand turns in a reasonably small area. (oh great, now I'm gonna have
all the oval fans on my case as well!) :)
I DO have to stand by my personal opinion that racing on a track which
crosses itself twice each lap is a bit nuts from where I'm sitting, though.
Since there are so many stupid flame wars started over 'opinions', I'll go
through the usual disclaimer here: this opinion is MINE, and not anyone
else's. I recognize your right to have YOUR own opinion, which may or may
not coincide with mine. This disclaimer void where prohibited by law. By
reading this disclaimer, you have agreed to be bound by the terms and
conditions contained herein, in perpetuity throughout the universe. Use no
hooks. Do not spindle.
I have no doubt there are many skilled drivers racing these events (as there
are in any autosport event). If you enjoy racing or viewing figure-eight
races, then have a blast! I believe that a diverse spectrum of flourishing
motorsports can only help them all to improve and thrive.
Doug :)