Doug Gordo


by Doug Gordo » Wed, 15 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I'm going to go with a cable modem shortly, and the interface may not
be on the computer that I use to play GPL. Does anyone have information
on using the Win98 SE "Internet Connection Sharing" services for
playing GPL as a client and/or host? I suspect that getting it to work
as a client might be a lot easier than hosting over ICS.

  Doug Gordon

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Before you buy.

Dave Henri


by Dave Henri » Thu, 16 Mar 2000 04:00:00

  Lemme know if you get any results.  I have been using ICS for a while
and have good and bad things to say about it.  I can join and host N3
races, although I have seen some people having difficulty "joining" a
race I host.  Seems to take a long time for them to get connected.  Once
in tho it seems fine.   I haven't done gpl for awhile so I can't comment
on that...
dave henrie

> I'm going to go with a cable modem shortly, and the interface may not
> be on the computer that I use to play GPL. Does anyone have information
> on using the Win98 SE "Internet Connection Sharing" services for
> playing GPL as a client and/or host? I suspect that getting it to work
> as a client might be a lot easier than hosting over ICS.

>   Doug Gordon

> Sent via
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