were doing their thing, I have enjoyed their music and marvelled at the
legend they became. I thought it was a bit tragic when they reformed,
because their legend had grown beyond their reality, and the re-union
just served to mortalise them and bring them down to earth.
I hope that this won't be the case with F1GP2. Few games have had such
hype and discussion about them before their release date - it has a
hell of a lot to live up to now. F1GP2 already has a gargantuan legend
in advance of its emergence, and I sincerely hope that when it does
(finally) appear, we won't be disappointed. Sir Geoff better have
something good up his sleeve...
* Paul L. Finnemore, Apprentice Veterinarian *
* "Five tablets and a ten minute consultation. That's 50 please." *