What I would like to see in an AI

Chris Bloo

What I would like to see in an AI

by Chris Bloo » Fri, 11 Feb 2000 04:00:00

As I have mentioned before in this forum on-line racing is not really
accessible for me, due to distance from other racers aswell as a limited
budget when it comes to my phonebill.

This makes me interested in how the AI will behave in the new crop of sims
due to be released, GP3 and WSC mainly.

The AI in present sims seems to drive at a consistant speed depending on
weight, tyre wear etc.  It seems that they don't respond to the on-track
situation (except in NR99 when the AI seems to double their speed whenever
a yellow comes out).  I would like to see an AI that would maybe start
taking a few more risks if they were close enough behind the leader and
there was only a few laps left.

Maybe another variable would be driver fatigue, a AI would spend a few laps
trying to make up time but this would cause him to be slower for the rest
of the race, or maybe be more prone to mistakes.

Changes of pit strategy according to the race conditions would also add
some interest to the game and make it a bit less predictable.

Well, I look forward to GP3 and hope some of these features will be

I guess what I really am saying is that I would like to see more
personality in the AI.  Does that make sense?


Robert Rathbon

What I would like to see in an AI

by Robert Rathbon » Fri, 11 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I always wanted to see the element of "emotion" added to the AI.  For
instance, like Chris said, have the AI become more aggressive during the
last few laps as they try to gain another position or two.  Or if a car is
about to be lapped by the leader, have him drive more aggressively trying to
keep the leader behind him.  Once he gets lapped, the AI driver might
"relax" and drive more normally and not fight being passed by cars not
contending for his position.  They might could even add the element of
anger... If you bump an AI car around too much, he might come back and bump
you a bit later in the race...  I like the fatigue idea too...  Mistakes
makes the AI seem more human.

Maybe I don't see it because I'm usually wearing my tires out faster, but
I'd like to see the AI's lap times falling off due to tire wear during a
run.  In fact, tire conservation could be a driver attribute like the
aggression, short track, qualifying, etc. skill settings in N3.  One driver
could be good at taking care of his tires and drives more conservatively
until late in the race, while another may wear his tires out getting to the
front (what I'm bad about doing), only to have nothing left at the end of
the run.  The AI would have to intelligently (perhaps another attribute?
Intelligence level?) know when he can afford to abuse his tires or should be
conserving them.  If you pitted with 15 laps left, you could afford to be
more aggressive racing to the front.

Anyway, I'd like to see things like this added to make the AI more dynamic
in their performance.  Then you wouldn't need to have AI drivers spin out
for no reason at all, as in N1-N3. <g>

Robert Rathbone

> It very much does, so far GPL and maybe N3 are closest to what you're
> saying, except for the fact that you don't pit with GPL... N3 they kinda
> like in real life but it's more following pre-orders than a caused

> --
> Oli
> BeoRocket Racing

> > As I have mentioned before in this forum on-line racing is not really
> > accessible for me, due to distance from other racers aswell as a limited
> > budget when it comes to my phonebill.

> > This makes me interested in how the AI will behave in the new crop of
> > due to be released, GP3 and WSC mainly.

> > The AI in present sims seems to drive at a consistant speed depending on
> > weight, tyre wear etc.  It seems that they don't respond to the on-track
> > situation (except in NR99 when the AI seems to double their speed
> > a yellow comes out).  I would like to see an AI that would maybe start
> > taking a few more risks if they were close enough behind the leader and
> > there was only a few laps left.

> > Maybe another variable would be driver fatigue, a AI would spend a few
> laps
> > trying to make up time but this would cause him to be slower for the
> > of the race, or maybe be more prone to mistakes.

> > Changes of pit strategy according to the race conditions would also add
> > some interest to the game and make it a bit less predictable.

> > Well, I look forward to GP3 and hope some of these features will be
> > included.

> > I guess what I really am saying is that I would like to see more
> > personality in the AI.  Does that make sense?

> > Chris

David Ewin

What I would like to see in an AI

by David Ewin » Fri, 11 Feb 2000 04:00:00

> I guess what I really am saying is that I would like to see more
> personality in the AI.  Does that make sense?

Sure, these are all great ideas.  Another thing to add would be team tactics -
including teammates co-operating with each other and the team director
changing pitstop strategy as the race unfolds.  Along these lines it would be
cool if the AI drivers would try to put in some blistering laps right before
their pitstop in order to ensure that they would be coming out ahead of their
competition (ala Michael Schumacher).

Dave Ewing

David A. Ewing



What I would like to see in an AI

by Slic » Sat, 12 Feb 2000 04:00:00

It very much does, so far GPL and maybe N3 are closest to what you're
saying, except for the fact that you don't pit with GPL... N3 they kinda do
like in real life but it's more following pre-orders than a caused action...

BeoRocket Racing

Peter Ive

What I would like to see in an AI

by Peter Ive » Sat, 12 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Sure does Chris.  At the moment I see AI in all sims as being very
predictable - GPL, N3, DTR etc - in its behaviour once you have raced
against it for long enough.  What the AI really needs is just to make
them behave with a bit more variety when racing, so maybe they'll go a
bit too deep into a corner and then have to back off or even ending up
fighting to save the car whilst drifting wider than usual.  Also their
lines could use a bit more variety.  You know exactly where they are
going to put their car when racing.  They are never defensive when
driving.  Their corner exit and entries are always the same.

Most AI seems to go from perfect same line and speed every time to
losing it completely, with nothing in between.  What we need is that bit
in between.
Peter Ives - (AKA Ivington)

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