Thanks, Colin :0) No demo just yet. I don't use DirectX for anything 'cause
this is written in PowerBasic, which doesn't have much in the way of DX
wrappers. I just got Wav files to load in manually as a matter of fact, so I
should be able to do a little sound mixing. GPL's Ferrari engine sounds GREAT
at 15,500 rpm! lol
I'll need to use standard Windows messages to allow controllers to be used.
This works fine with my Thrustmaster SuperSport wheel with it's 15 pin
connector, but I don't know if USB controllers will work this way.. Do you?
I'll be using MM_JOY1MOVE, joySetCapture, etc... That won't allow force
feedback, but will it allow most USB wheels to work anyway?
What I really need is some sort of DirectInput wrapper Dll or something. I
think I've got sounds pretty well***ed, but it's done in software which is
probably not as fast as DirectSound would be :-( Should get a wrapper for that
too, or maybe switch to FMod like Ruud did.
I was under the impression you already had this running. Where are you right
now with your suspension system?
Todd Wasson
Performance Simulations
Drag Racing and Top Speed Prediction
My little car sim screenshots: