I've been playing racing sims since I got my computer. I really love
the Papy games and GP2. But, espacally in the Papy games, I have a
real hard time being competitvie with oppenets ratibgs over 89
percent. And the road courses, forget it. I use my keyboard to steer
(never got the hang of the jotstick). Does a wheel make that much of
a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy? Does it
actully shave time of your laps and make road courses drivible, or am
I just simply a crappy driver? I'd like to know how many people use
there keyboard to steer, and can you do it effectively?
Also, Can anyone give me any reconmendations on which one to buy
also, I'm looking for something in the 100 dollar range (CDN, thats
about 70 bucks give or take in US dollars), that includeds petals, and
something that is durableyou know, somrthing that wont break like 6
months latter. Thanks in advance..