How much of a difference does a wheel make?

Good Morning, Capt

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Good Morning, Capt » Mon, 20 Apr 1998 04:00:00

I've been playing racing sims since I got my computer.  I really love
the Papy games and GP2.  But, espacally in the Papy games, I have a
real hard time being competitvie with oppenets ratibgs over 89
percent.  And the road courses, forget it.  I use my keyboard to steer
(never got the hang of the jotstick).  Does a wheel make that much of
a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy?  Does it
actully shave time of your laps and make road courses drivible, or am
I just simply a crappy driver?   I'd like to know how many people use
there keyboard to steer, and can you do it effectively?
Also,  Can anyone give me any reconmendations on which one to buy
also,  I'm looking for something in the 100 dollar range (CDN, thats
about 70 bucks give or take in US dollars), that includeds petals, and
something that is durableyou know, somrthing that wont break like 6
months latter.   Thanks in advance..  

Mike Davi

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Mike Davi » Mon, 20 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Hey
> I've been playing racing sims since I got my computer.  I really love
> the Papy games and GP2.  But, espacally in the Papy games, I have a
> real hard time being competitvie with oppenets ratibgs over 89
> percent.  And the road courses, forget it.  I use my keyboard to steer
> (never got the hang of the jotstick).  Does a wheel make that much of
> a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy?  Does it
> actully shave time of your laps and make road courses drivible, or am
> I just simply a crappy driver?   I'd like to know how many people use
> there keyboard to steer, and can you do it effectively?
> Also,  Can anyone give me any reconmendations on which one to buy
> also,  I'm looking for something in the 100 dollar range (CDN, thats
> about 70 bucks give or take in US dollars), that includeds petals, and
> something that is durableyou know, somrthing that wont break like 6
> months latter.   Thanks in advance..

 I agree with the other guys. The wheel makes all the difference in the
world. I too like the Thrustmaster GP-1. It's a great wheel for the price,
and you will not be able to believe how much faster you are after about
the first five minutes. Good prices on the GP-1, I have bought two at the
local Costco for under fifty bucks US. Such a deal <ggg.>
    All the best, Mike

Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."

Tim Deatherag

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Tim Deatherag » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

The Wheel makes a big difference! Once you use one, anything else is

I have walking difficulties, therefore I prefer the Thrustmaster GP-1 with
paddles behind the wheel to control gas & brake. Thrustmaster makes several

wheel, Thomas (TSW) makes several very highly rated combos. I think their
address is

This NG is pretty good about helping newbies so you'll get other helpful
ideas !


Hyeong-Min Ki

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Hyeong-Min Ki » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

A steering wheel will make a **BIG DIFFERENCE**! Your lap time will be
significantly reduced. Go for the TM GP1 or T2, and if you are really
serious about racing sims go for the TM Nascar Pro. Practice with your
new wheel in ICR2 or Nascar2. And buy the awesome F1 Racing Simulation
and enjoy the best racing experience ever made to the PC. For me, I'll
upgrade my old GP1 to either the T2 or the Pro wheel. The accel/brake
levers on the GP1 don't cut it anymore in F1RS.

> Hey
> I've been playing racing sims since I got my computer.  I really love
> the Papy games and GP2.  But, espacally in the Papy games, I have a
> real hard time being competitvie with oppenets ratibgs over 89
> percent.  And the road courses, forget it.  I use my keyboard to steer

> (never got the hang of the jotstick).  Does a wheel make that much of
> a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy?  Does it
> actully shave time of your laps and make road courses drivible, or am
> I just simply a crappy driver?   I'd like to know how many people use
> there keyboard to steer, and can you do it effectively?
> Also,  Can anyone give me any reconmendations on which one to buy
> also,  I'm looking for something in the 100 dollar range (CDN, thats
> about 70 bucks give or take in US dollars), that includeds petals, and

> something that is durableyou know, somrthing that wont break like 6
> months latter.   Thanks in advance..

Melissa Loeffle

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Melissa Loeffle » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

For $80 you can get a Thrustmaster T2 - that would be a great starter
Not sure if it will improve your times, but I can't drive at all on a
It's definitely a lot more fun with the wheel--but be prepared for the wife
kids to ridicule you... my roommates call it my Fisher-Price wheel.

Tom Anderson

Nanker Phelg

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Nanker Phelg » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> For $80 you can get a Thrustmaster T2 - that would be a great starter
> wheel.
> Not sure if it will improve your times, but I can't drive at all on a
> keyboard.
> It's definitely a lot more fun with the wheel--but be prepared for the wife
> and
> kids to ridicule you... my roommates call it my Fisher-Price wheel.

> Tom Anderson

CompUSA has the T2 for $49.99 and the Nascar Pro for $89.99, both are
after rebate prices.
Matthew V. Jessic

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Matthew V. Jessic » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

>I use my keyboard to steer
> (never got the hang of the jotstick).  Does a wheel make that much of
> a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy?  

You can spend another $50 on yet another game,
or you can spend the money on tools to
increase the enjoyment of all your games.

Maybe enough to get your money's worth out of
those $50 expenditures hereafter ;)

- Matt

Byron Forbe

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Byron Forbe » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Hey
> I've been playing racing sims since I got my computer.  I really love
> the Papy games and GP2.  But, espacally in the Papy games, I have a
> real hard time being competitvie with oppenets ratibgs over 89
> percent.  And the road courses, forget it.  I use my keyboard to steer
> (never got the hang of the jotstick).  Does a wheel make that much of
> a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy?  Does it
> actully shave time of your laps and make road courses drivible, or am
> I just simply a crappy driver?   I'd like to know how many people use
> there keyboard to steer, and can you do it effectively?
> Also,  Can anyone give me any reconmendations on which one to buy
> also,  I'm looking for something in the 100 dollar range (CDN, thats
> about 70 bucks give or take in US dollars), that includeds petals, and
> something that is durableyou know, somrthing that wont break like 6
> months latter.   Thanks in advance..

  Is there a difference between night and day? Get yourself a wheel and
begin your real sim racing career :)

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by leohaa » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Hey
> I use my keyboard to steer
> (never got the hang of the jotstick).  Does a wheel make that much of
> a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy?  Does it
> actully shave time of your laps and make road courses drivible, or am
> I just simply a crappy driver?

Is your sirname Flintstone????
The Digital Dude

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by The Digital Dude » Tue, 21 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Check out ActLabs' Force RS wheel.  It has force feedback, with an F1 style
shifter, along with pedals for $99.  You can use it for your PlayStation as
well, with a different cartridge.
That's the one I'm waiting for.  It should be available real soon.

      Coming soon, everything you wanted to know about
                 the classic *** movie, Valley Girl".

                   Remove the "spam-jammer" to reply

               Peace, love and Monkeemobiles,

Ed Kloskowsk

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Ed Kloskowsk » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

Just go get a wheel, any TM product will do (make sur eth store has a return
policy though you may need it)

A keyboard is a digital device, by that I mean its either on or off - the
key is either pressed or not -

A wheel on the other hand is an analog device, it allows fine degrees of
control, you can acceralrate gently of rapidly you can brake a little or a

With the keyboard, you are either braking all the way or not at all,
accelerating all the way or not at all.

Try this tommorow on your drive to work - hit the gas to the floor to
accelerate then let up when you need to and keep this up to maintain a
speed, likewise the brakes. then you will appriecitate what a wheel will do
for you.


Bernard B.Robins

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Bernard B.Robins » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> > Hey
> > I've been playing racing sims since I got my computer.  I really love
> > the Papy games and GP2.  But, espacally in the Papy games, I have a
> > real hard time being competitvie with oppenets ratibgs over 89
> > percent.  And the road courses, forget it.  I use my keyboard to steer
> > (never got the hang of the jotstick).  Does a wheel make that much of
> > a difference, or is it just another un-needed computer toy?  Does it
> > actully shave time of your laps and make road courses drivible, or am
> > I just simply a crappy driver?   I'd like to know how many people use
> > there keyboard to steer, and can you do it effectively?
> > Also,  Can anyone give me any reconmendations on which one to buy
> > also,  I'm looking for something in the 100 dollar range (CDN, thats
> > about 70 bucks give or take in US dollars), that includeds petals, and
> > something that is durableyou know, somrthing that wont break like 6
> > months latter.   Thanks in advance..

>   Is there a difference between night and day? Get yourself a wheel and
> begin your real sim racing career :)

Another alternative is the UltraRacer PC controller. It looks like a
remote control car radio unit. The quality is not bad and they are very
inexpensive 29.95 at Comp USA.
Ronald Stoeh

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Ronald Stoeh » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Check out ActLabs' Force RS wheel.  It has force feedback, with an F1 style
> shifter, along with pedals for $99.  You can use it for your PlayStation as
> well, with a different cartridge.
> That's the one I'm waiting for.  It should be available real soon.

Yeah, right! That's what they told me almost a year ago...available real
soon (TM).


Toys'R'Us '99: "So, would you like a hand gun with that action figure,

          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!


How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by KREVH TADE » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> > Hey
> > I've been playing racing sims since I got my computer.  I really love
> > the Papy games and GP2.  But, espacally in the Papy games, I have a
> > something that is durableyou know, somrthing that wont break like 6
> > months latter.   Thanks in advance..

>   Is there a difference between night and day? Get yourself a wheel and
> begin your real sim racing career :)

If you would like to give it a try and maybe stick around with simracing
for some months then get one of TM's toys, but if you're into serious
simracing career <g> then get yourself descent wheel like TSW :)

Btw. I think times are changing for simracing, I think it will become a
sport soon. Just look at the amount of sponsors becoming involved in
sponsoring simracing teams. It's a damn good way to advertise your
product at a fair price :)

Our team signed sponsorship deal last month, and there are teams getting
sponsors every month. I only hope to see simracing become a recognized
sport all over the world. What the heck, it's fun, it isn't dangerous, it
doesn't polute (well, not much :) and a good way of advertising.

There was a tournament in F1RS this weekend in Slovenia, with 1st prize
as PII+Voodoo2 computer without monitor, 2nd prize was a weekend at
Monaco GP, 3rd prize color ink jet printer, etc...
(hehe, I've been there, it rocks.... :)

So guys, get yourself a good racing equipment if you want to start your
simracing career ;)


Tadej Krevh
TSW Monkey Grand Prix Co-manager
TSW Monkey Grand Prix Technical director
LFRS class B

Andrew Fielde

How much of a difference does a wheel make?

by Andrew Fielde » Wed, 22 Apr 1998 04:00:00

> Just go get a wheel, any TM product will do (make sur eth store has a return
> policy though you may need it)

> A keyboard is a digital device, by that I mean its either on or off - the
> key is either pressed or not -

> A wheel on the other hand is an analog device, it allows fine degrees of

Is it possible to acquire a TSW in the UK ?


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