> >>For once I agree with a reivew from PC Gamer, POD is a very weak game,
> >Many people disagree.
> Only those with very low standards. Anyone who likes quality will not
> like POD.
> Joe
> I'm getting sick of this crap. Either you like the game or you don't.
Everyone has likes and dislikes.
If you have a 3dfx and you don't like 30+ fps,downloadable tracks(9 already
about 1 a week),downloadable cars(8 so far),multiplayer over
internet(PODnet),adjustable car settings, and a great feature called ghosts
don't buy POD.
If you have a T2 and a 3dfx and would like a fast arcade race game get
If you can't stand arcade racers then keep racing your sims and quit
As for PC Lamer the review as with all reviews are just opinions. Gee and
for some odd reason there is actually different opinions for diff people,
imagine that. It's funny how some people believe if a game gets a good
review they will like it and if it gets a poor review they won't. As far as
I can see unless your brain is exactly the same as the reviewer's the
review doesn't mean jack.
I bet almost everyone who dislikes POD either doesn't have a 3dfx or has
only played the demo.
Sorry about this post, but I coundn't ignore this BS any longer.
Rendition and 3DFX owner.