steering wheels please reply

Kieran Larki

steering wheels please reply

by Kieran Larki » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00

sorry about that the question was is the guillemot ferrari wheel better than
the logitec formula force

S Clar

steering wheels please reply

by S Clar » Tue, 25 Apr 2000 04:00:00

If i was you i'd go the the guillemot, its cheaper and just as good.
having said that the logitech has been on easter offer at pcworld for 79.99
which is 40 cheaper than what i paid for it two weeks ago.......
ahhh well.

> sorry about that the question was is the guillemot ferrari wheel better
> the logitec formula force

cory ta

steering wheels please reply

by cory ta » Sat, 29 Apr 2000 04:00:00

down here, I rate the ferrari wheel the best balance around. It feels good,
accurate, come with pedals, stick shift. Some wheels are a bit better, but don't
justify the price. Even MS wheel feels crappy compared. But my guillemot wheel
had paddle shifter failure after a month of use. Heard that the wheel doesn't
have the same problem in some countries, so mine could be isolated case.
Russell Whitwort

steering wheels please reply

by Russell Whitwort » Sun, 30 Apr 2000 04:00:00

...but no DOS drivers (AFAIK), hence can't be used with GP2.

Unless anyone knows different?

Russell Whitworth

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steering wheels please reply

by PHYDEAUX » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

>Subject: Re: steering wheels please reply

>Date: 04/28/2000 4:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time

>down here, I rate the ferrari wheel the best balance around. It feels good,
>accurate, come with pedals, stick shift. Some wheels are a bit better, but
>justify the price. Even MS wheel feels crappy compared. But my guillemot
>had paddle shifter failure after a month of use. Heard that the wheel doesn't
>have the same problem in some countries, so mine could be isolated case.

My Guillemot NASCAR Pro Digital (USB) was really great....till it took a ***
after about 1 month also.  The steering just went and lost contact.  Car went
straight into the wall.   It was a warranty deal and should be back this is exactly 5 weeks since I UPS'd it out so it's been gone longer
than it was here.  ***it had to go to Montreal for crying out
least it didn't have to go back to China...

Maybe we are both isolated cases......anyone else?????

(Don't gimme NO***in E-mail)


steering wheels please reply

by PHYDEAUX » Tue, 02 May 2000 04:00:00

Great.....UPS just brought it back and I was wrong it was 6 weeks.....Haven't
hardly touched N3 since I sent it out.  Just can't get into joystichk'in after
using the wheel.  Hope it's fixed right.

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