N3: Teams/Leagues?


N3: Teams/Leagues?

by Alk » Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I've spent a couple of days now scouring the net looking for
"active" teams or leagues that would be accepting new drivers, so
far, very little luck.
Most links I go to are stale, haven't been updated since before N3
came out, others are in some transition mode from N2 to N3 and
aren't accepting applicants. I'm a rookie at N3 and am hoping to
find a team to join where one can learn the game in a friendly
helpful atmosphere and take part in standings/scores etc.
Is there not such an entity in N3 yet?
The random selection of online pickup races leaves a lot to be
desired as far as being involved in the N3 racing community.
If anyone can steer me to an "active/forming" team or league, it
would be much appreciated.



N3: Teams/Leagues?

by DwayneGD » Sun, 14 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Your in luck my friend, Gravity Delight Racing does have 1 N3 driver
now, but were looking for drivers for N2, N99, & N3 for the 2000 season.
If your interested please goto the link below.

Gravity Delight Racing

> I've spent a couple of days now scouring the net looking for
> "active" teams or leagues that would be accepting new drivers, so
> far, very little luck.
> Most links I go to are stale, haven't been updated since before N3
> came out, others are in some transition mode from N2 to N3 and
> aren't accepting applicants. I'm a rookie at N3 and am hoping to
> find a team to join where one can learn the game in a friendly
> helpful atmosphere and take part in standings/scores etc.
> Is there not such an entity in N3 yet?
> The random selection of online pickup races leaves a lot to be
> desired as far as being involved in the N3 racing community.
> If anyone can steer me to an "active/forming" team or league, it
> would be much appreciated.
> Thanx.
> --

> Alky?


N3: Teams/Leagues?

by Paul » Mon, 15 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Try these:


The Crossed flags:

OSCAR.. Not running Yet but will be soon.. Check them out. Biggest online
racing league. Several to choose from... Depending on your experience


Western States Racing League: (membership currently closed)

My reply address is false.
Please post replies to this news group.
If you need to e-mail me, it's
scan-man at home dot com


N3: Teams/Leagues?

by Coyote_2 » Mon, 15 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Looking for a league? Try the Bellstar Racing Series!!!

Joe Terlisner
Racing I.D. 'Coyote'
Bellstar Racing Series
Bellstar Web Administrator
Sponsored by: (Could be you)


N3: Teams/Leagues?

by Alk » Tue, 16 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Thanx Paul, I'll check em out... much appreciated :)

Dave Cas

N3: Teams/Leagues?

by Dave Cas » Wed, 17 Nov 1999 04:00:00

If you are a clean driver looking for a fun league to run in on Sunday
mornings try  We
just finished our second weekend of our Winter Series.

Dave Casey
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