During a free practise session at the Brazil circuit I tried to pass
another carr on the inside. Our wheels touched and my car was airborne
and flew off the track. When it landed, the entire program crashed and
gave me the following screen (it seems the leftmost character of each
line was missing):
OS/4GW Professional error (2001): exception 0Dh (general protection
fault) at 10:005421F4
SF32:prev_tst32 66F8
S D0 DS 188 ES 0 FS 0 GS 0
S1 619284 EDI 618F84 EBP 8000 ESP 66B8
S:1P 180:005421F4 ID 0D C0D 0 FLGB 10246
S= 180, USE32, page granular, limit FFFFFFFF, base 0,acc CF9B
S= D0, USE32, byte granular, limit 7CFF, base 427210,acc 4093
S= 188, USE32, page granular, limit FFFFFFFF, base 0,acc CF93
S= 0, USE32, byte granular, limit 0, base 16,acc 0
S= 0, USE32, byte granular, limit 0, base 16,acc 0
S= 0, USE32, byte granular, limit 0, base 16,acc 0
R0=PG1 ET:1 TS:0 EM:0 MP:0 PE:1 CR2:0 CR3:17000
rash address (unrelocated) = 1:0007A1F4
eneral Failure reading drive
Any ideas about what caused this problem (I use a Texas Instruments
TM5200 Pentium 120 with 16Mb).
Martin van Daalen