OK ------------ I need your assistance then ------PLEASE!!!!

Mika Vannik

OK ------------ I need your assistance then ------PLEASE!!!!

by Mika Vannik » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

     It is obvious I will NEED to upgrade my video card to run GPL.

    Now the kicker ----------------

    I have Pentium 233MMX (NOT pentium II) 64 megs of RAM -- I just
upgraded to that ------ 6.1 gig harddrive, with PLENTY of open space.

   I have INDYCAR II            NASCAR II           GP2 ------- and
want to remain playing those sims in the future.

   --------------------- SO  -------------------------------

   Since I have read that when someone has upgraded their video card
and suddenly makes certain sims mentioned above unplayable, I get

  I have read on several occasions that GP2  is NOT designed  for a
3-D card, and that certain high intensity cards make it unplayable.

  In MY opinion, GP2 is one of the BEST to come down the pike and I DO
NOT want to lose the ability to play this simulation.

  Likewise with INDYCAR II          and      NASCAR II.   (I am a huge
fan of GT Prototype racing, and downloaded the Prototype bodies from
THE SIM PROJECT (THANKS FELLAS ----- GREAT WORK) and have no intention
to back to the INDY cars, but to keep the GTP as the simulation for

   Jeez ------------- I hope this isn't such a tall order, but i
merely want some education from perhaps someone who has made a few
mistakes or bought something that wasn't compatable, then figured out
what WOULD work with everything.

  On a RELATED note ----------------- I understand there will be a
LeMANS sim out.  I am interested in the endurance racing sims and
would like to know who is producing it and what it would be like if
anyone has info on it.  I saw one URL listed a few days ago, but I
couldn't find anything about a LeMans sim.

   Has anyone thought of perhaps going to the GPL and taking the 'RING
and SPA, and other tracks that were used in years past by the
Prototypes and somehow making a converter to ICR with the GT

   Those were glorious years, for sure, and I remember them well.  Too
bad there uis no Targa Florio and those likes as available tracks!

   This was windy I agree --------- thanks for taking the time to read
it all.


Pat Dotso

OK ------------ I need your assistance then ------PLEASE!!!!

by Pat Dotso » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

>      It is obvious I will NEED to upgrade my video card to run GPL.

>     Now the kicker ----------------

>     I have Pentium 233MMX (NOT pentium II) 64 megs of RAM -- I just
> upgraded to that ------ 6.1 gig harddrive, with PLENTY of open space.

>    I have INDYCAR II            NASCAR II           GP2 ------- and
> want to remain playing those sims in the future.

I have a K6 200 with a V1000 rendition card.  ICR2 and N2 both
max out on frame rate at 30 fps with this setup, and GP2 runs
great too (though not 3d accelerated of course).  I'd suggest you
go with a V2100 or V2200 based card if you are concerned about
using ICR2 as there is no support for 3dfx.  I guarantee it
will be the best money you've ever spent on game hardware.

Pat Dotson
IMPACT Motorsports


OK ------------ I need your assistance then ------PLEASE!!!!

by ymenar » Tue, 22 Sep 1998 04:00:00

Mika Vannikov wrote `<little snip>

You won't have any problem with any video card with Gp2. If you have a
little problems with it, it is possible to be solved easily. I never saw an
incompatibility between video card and Gp2.

;-D  Marc did a great job, I agree (also using the GTP's).  You won't find
also any incompatibility with either N2 and Icr2.

In fact some video card may improve the way you see those games (via
3d-acceleration). A Rendition-based video card (it's a 2d/3d combo) will
make you run Icr2 so much better than you would ever think (probably the
best looking racing game after GPL).

Nascar 2 will look better if you have a Rendition card also. And, if you buy
a 3dfx card, Nascar2 can be also upgraded to "3d-acceleration" with a beta
patch. It's not as good as Rendition, but it's still better than your normal
nascar2.exe graphics.

All the rest of the cards who do only D3D, OpenGL, etc... will run Nascar2
and Icr2, but in simple normal mode, like your racing presently.  The only
thing I remember is that some people had problems with video cards who
aren't VESA compatible. It's pretty simple to solve, just reinstall it and
choose to not install VESA drivers for the game.

You need to start pushing the SimProject to do such a thing. Heh Marc ?? ;-D

He's the second guy after me who wants GTP on GPL tracks, even if you will
understand that making converters for GPL <--> N2/Icr2 is probably
impossible ("probably" means there is a slight minimal chance).

The track engine is just much more complicated than before. The
Icr1/Icr2/N1/N2 track engine was very similar as it was mostly a raceable
part with walls all around it. In GPL you now have full possibility of
actually creating objects inside that raceable part, and actually get
outside the actual racing part (but it's not really getting outside, it's
just that the fence are "faking" the racing part of the track). is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.