Have you noticed just what warping can do while either
on HAWAII or on INTERNET. One of the major problems
with the N racing simulation is there is no error
detection or correction. Its the old story GARBAGE IN
gets you GARBAGE OUT.
1). Qualifying Times... Ever wonder when you really
crank off that one in a million 190 at Atlanta
whether it was really you or a good warp. Well
warping can have that affect. Warping can take
a drivers speed and make it alot lot lot faster.
I have had several drivers call me and ask me
how they were able to run that FREAK lap. I
have to tell them that when data is being
transmitted between your computer and the
race server anything can happen. Even the
total loss of integrity.
2). RACING... Same things. If the position data
is being sent back and forth in GARBAGE MODE
than you could have actually won, but finish
If error detection and data correction is not implemented
in the auto-racing modes. Than how will we ever know who
really wins or loses..
Don Wilshe, IVGA
I was racing a car on INTERNET the other night and I was
running 181's at c***te in N Racing. I could not
catch this car as he was WARP hopping me 100 to 200
yards per second. Finally he disappeared and I ask
him how fast he went on that lap. He said:
8813 mph, and he just grinned..
PS. I hope the key to winning is not finguring out just
how to haness those warps....