> The straw bales don't act like straw bales in this sim. A car slamming into
> them might as well be slamming into an armco barrier. This is a very major
> problem because with realistic damage on, you are going to destroy your car
> by just clipping one of these hazards. The bales should be able to give way
> and cause mimimal damage, unless they are right up against the armco.
> Also, there are very little of these things around so in most cases you end
> up slamming into the armco. More bales, and those of the forgiving variety,
> are definitely required.
> -Mark
Actually, let me make a point about haybales. This coming from a
"haybale expert"! ;]
If you've bucked as many bales as I have, you can accept my info as
"professional hay
advice". ;]
Haybales come in 2 varietys, wet and dry. They are tied in several
ways, wire-tie, string-tie, and I think they even have plastic tie now.
Haybales in the "dry" variety are what farmers like...freshly cut,
anywhere from 40-80 pounds, and make for great eating...if your a cow,
that is.
Haybales in the wet variety, no one likes. They are heavy, get rotten
quick, and they just don't taste good! Especially if you're travelling
at 150 mph in an open-wheel race car. Haybales of the wet variety can
weight up to 150 pounds, and if you were to hit them at a high rate of
speed, it's like smacking into water...it eventually moves, but it hurts
like hell when you do it.
??Jan Kohl?? **The Pits Performance Team**
Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL
Castle Graphics - http://www.castlegraphics.com/
The Pits - http://www.theuspits.com/