Like adding back the right drivers, the Honda, the right tracks, etc.
Secondary, after that I'd like to update the graphics and game such that I
can still play WinVROC.
Secondary, after that I'd like to update the graphics and game such that I
can still play WinVROC.
About 4 years, 10 months and counting... ;-)
No problem, as long as your PC is up to the job. Some people use 2D wheels &
2D helmets online to help the framerate. I have a Gf4 4200 & XP2000 that
will run online with the GPLEA cars no problem. I use 2D helmets, but that's
so I can see the helmet colours in the Brit League, not for framerate.
> Secondary, after that I'd like to update the graphics and game such that I
> can still play WinVROC.
Also check out the GPL forum there. It's by far the main place for GPL
info. Friendly and helpful too.
Also look at
They have 'how to' sections that will sort you out for the car names.
VROC is not a problem.
I use a trimmed down install with 2D stuff to keep the frame rate right
up. Depends what your specs are really.