Friday came and went - NASCAR2 did not arrive. I ordered it from Sierra
within 30 minutes of receiving their offer in the mail. After I
ordered, I found out I was being charged a higher price than my racing
partners. Oh well. Then the program started showing up in chain stores
and was heavily discounted.
Back up the truck Al! What was the purpose of the pre-sale? I was a
marketing major! My employer would give me my walking papers if I
treated our customers like Sierra is treating theirs. Soliciting early
orders from a customer list requires that you offer them something in
return for their early committment. HEY, we bought it sight unseen,
strictly on trust. In return for our loyalty many of us got stuck a
higher price and have to sit on our butts this weekend while those who
chose to pass on Sierra's amazing offer are racing with copies they
picked up last Wednesday at retail outlets. FOUL!
I don't have the luxury of living in the civilized world, so I drove to
a neighboring city last night, went to Babbages (only software outlet
closer than 100 miles) and paid them $63.86 for NASCAR2. Too much
money, no doubt about it, but there is a principle envolved here and
that is worth something to me. Yes, I will send Sierras copy back to
them. I think enough of us doing so will get the message through to
Sierra marketing wizards. Sadly, they probably have accountants in
charge of marketing - sure looks that way.