Where the hell can i get this exelent game from. All i see in the shops are
budget versions of NASCAR RACING and NASCAR 98. Can anyone help?
Where the hell can i get this exelent game from. All i see in the shops are
budget versions of NASCAR RACING and NASCAR 98. Can anyone help?
Should be available in any of the following places:
Best Buy
Any mall computer store (EB, Egghead, etc.)
It'll probably be between $30 and $50. Not sure what current retail is. I
got my copy at a computer show, so it was significantly cheaper ($23)
Wal-Mart had NASCAR2 and the Grand National expansion pack together for
>Best Buy
>Any mall computer store (EB, Egghead, etc.)
You can get it for $50 at Wal-Mart including the BGN Expansion Pack
or by itself for $45 kinda dumb if you think about it huh?