I need this too. I have the US version(1.03) is there a difference in the
patch ? I can't use GPPERF.EXE til I sought this out.
Cheers, Steve
!_ _! | Abekas Video Systems.
(Q Q) | 12 Portman Rd (http://www.abekrd.co.uk/Users/steven)
__,,,, _\_U_/___,,,_| Reading , Berks (http://www.abekrd.co.uk/Formula1)
and lots of other places. Well worth the download time for GPperf alone.
-- Gizmo van der HOF
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Launchpad is an experimental internet BBS. The views of its users do not
necessarily represent those of UNC-Chapel Hill, OIT, or the SysOps.
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You can get it free from MicroProse if you feel like it. Give them a wish
list for F1GPII at the same time! ;-)
Mail me for their address etc. (we don't get nodes in our rooms yet :-( )
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Goodricke College
University of York "God preserve us from
York, YO1 5DD, UK religious nutters"
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