Oh oh...he is back.
Oh oh...he is back.
>> Have you been living in Oz or what? They make the games for our enjoyment?
>> Please!!!!!!!!!!
>> They make the games for the almighty $$$$$$$$
>> Richard Manning
>> President of the Jim Sokoloff fan club
>Oh sh*t, he's back! My kingdom for a kill file.....
Kids never learn. Someone should explain to his mother the rewards of child discipline.
I just have 1 question for all of you in this particular note on this
newsgroup. Do you really want to race against someone with this attitude?
I'm not sure I want to be in the same race with him. And I don't think
the NRO should accept his application lightly. I think this needs some
serious consideration.
Are you of any relation to the president of Salina's Fan Club?
To: Jim Solokoff
guy should come back here when he joins another ISP.
On 16 Mar 1997 05:35:09 GMT, "Richard Manning" <richie15
>> Ed's still here, fighting fires, working on deals, and preparing
>> everything for the NRO launch when that happens. (Let's not start the
>> begging for EXACTLY when that will be, OK?)
>> ---Jim Sokoloff, Papyrus
>See thats just it. You guys have this better than thou attitude that we
>should be not beg for a start up date for NRO. What an ***. (go ahead
>and flame me you ass kisser Sim Racing)
>Kiss my ass you pompous *** Jim Sokoloff
>Fact is the NRO should have been released MONTHS ago!
Shane Lansky
> >On 16 Mar 1997 05:35:09 GMT, "Richard Manning" <richie15
> >>See thats just it. You guys have this better than thou attitude that we
> >>should be not beg for a start up date for NRO. What an ***. (go ahead
> >>and flame me you ass kisser Sim Racing)
> >>Kiss my ass you pompous *** Jim Sokoloff
> >>Fact is the NRO should have been released MONTHS ago!
> >You disgusting rude little mongrel.
> >I really hope you lose your internet account..
> He did, but now he has another one with worldnet (att).
Perhaps one day Richard will learn to be a decent citizen in this
newsgroup (but I'm not holding my breath).
> I think Richie's original diatribe about his age/profession was a feable
> attempt at respect. I honestly believe the '15' in
> and be so angry. I hate to think of another 60 years of this guy
> sharing the planet with us, but then I rejoice in the fact that this
> behavior tends to be self-destructive. Good luck with the rest of high
> school.
Good race at the Brickyard, (Old'Indytrack guy in rec.autos.simulators)
[===] Go Rubens Barrichello, Jacques Villeneuve,
| ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
|!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
|o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nien Numb in the National Star Wars League(X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter league)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition,N2,Gp2,Icr2.How can my life be better?
May the force be with you, always!!
Que la force soit avec toi, jamais!(for you French people)
Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking)
> >See thats just it. You guys have this better than thou attitude that we
> >should be not beg for a start up date for NRO. What an ***. (go ahead
> >and flame me you ass kisser Sim Racing)
> >Kiss my ass you pompous *** Jim Sokoloff
> >Fact is the NRO should have been released MONTHS ago!
Good race at the Brickyard, (Old'Indytrack guy in rec.autos.simulators)
[===] Go Rubens Barrichello, Jacques Villeneuve,
| ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
|!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
|o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nien Numb in the National Star Wars League(X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter league)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition,N2,Gp2,Icr2.How can my life be better?
May the force be with you, always!!
Que la force soit avec toi, jamais!(for you French people)
Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking)
> > Hey Jimbo, I'm verrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy impressed
Good race at the Brickyard, (Old'Indytrack guy in rec.autos.simulators)
[===] Go Rubens Barrichello, Jacques Villeneuve,
| ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
|!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
|o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nien Numb in the National Star Wars League(X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter league)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition,N2,Gp2,Icr2.How can my life be better?
May the force be with you, always!!
Que la force soit avec toi, jamais!(for you French people)
Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking)
Decadence of the society,
Shame of a nation,
Adept of the r.a.s. Killfile club (with many others)
Good race at the Brickyard, (Old'Indytrack guy in rec.autos.simulators)
[===] Go Rubens Barrichello, Jacques Villeneuve,
| ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
|!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
|o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nien Numb in the National Star Wars League(X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter league)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition,N2,Gp2,Icr2.How can my life be better?
May the force be with you, always!!
Que la force soit avec toi, jamais!(for you French people)
Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking)
Well, well ymenard your a little slow to jump on the flame Richard
bandwagon. Insults from you, the guy who has pirated the Indy track all
over these newsgroups. Pot calling the kettle black???????
Richard Manning
> > I think Richie's original diatribe about his age/profession was a
> > attempt at respect. I honestly believe the '15' in
> > and be so angry. I hate to think of another 60 years of this guy
> > sharing the planet with us, but then I rejoice in the fact that this
> > behavior tends to be self-destructive. Good luck with the rest of high
> > school.
> Or maybe his IQ... :)
> Or maybe his result of his last English exam... :)
> Or maybe his lenght in millimetres of his... :)
> Thanks a lot,
> Good race at the Brickyard, (Old'Indytrack guy in rec.autos.simulators)
> [===] Go Rubens Barrichello, Jacques Villeneuve,
> | ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
> |!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
> |o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
> [--I--]
> v
> Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
> Nien Numb in the National Star Wars League(X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter league)
> http://www.dakotacom.net/~strange/
> http://www.geocities.com/area51/vault/2804/index.html
> http://www.starwars.com/
> Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition,N2,Gp2,Icr2.How can my life be better?
> May the force be with you, always!!
> Que la force soit avec toi, jamais!(for you French people)
> Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking)
> Well, well ymenard your a little slow to jump on the flame Richard
> bandwagon. Insults from you, the guy who has pirated the Indy track all
> over these newsgroups. Pot calling the kettle black???????
> Richard Manning
> > > I think Richie's original diatribe about his age/profession was a
> feable
> > > attempt at respect. I honestly believe the '15' in
> > > and be so angry. I hate to think of another 60 years of this guy
> > > sharing the planet with us, but then I rejoice in the fact that this
> > > behavior tends to be self-destructive. Good luck with the rest of high
> > > school.
> > Or maybe his IQ... :)
> > Or maybe his result of his last English exam... :)
> > Or maybe his lenght in millimetres of his...
Good race at the Brickyard, (Old'Indytrack guy in rec.autos.simulators)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =ymenard now!!!
SPEED- http://www.nascarnet.com/~speed
[===] Go Rubens Barrichello, Jacques Villeneuve,
| ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
|!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
|o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
May the force be with you, always!!
Que la force soit avec toi, jamais!(for you French people)
Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking)