Yes. I don't have the manual right in front of me, but it is something
like this:
1) Install it in your WC/F1GP directory (meaning copy it to there)
2) Type gpfps -fps=30 (or 40 or 50, whatever you are going to use)
That's it. When you start F1GP/WC again, the frame rate will be whatever
you chose it to be.
You may or may not be able to tell the difference in 30fps or more. The
human eye limits your seeing ability in that respect, and also your
computer hardware.
I gave a look at but didn't find it ...
Unzip it into your GP directory, make a backup copy of your
f1prefs.dat file
copy f1prefs.dat f1prefs.bak
then run it to check your current frame rate
then change it
gpfps -fps 33
This is all in the text file (gpfps.txt - except the backing
upyour prefs file bit, which I never bother with), and more.
-- Gizmo
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Exactly. I 'tried' to race at 35fps, which is 80% - 120% on my machine.
I say tried because most of the cars were crashing and spinning. When I
watched a replay of me making a close pass, the replay was of me spinning
and crashing even though I never did. Then if I let the replay end and
unpause it for about 1-2 secs, the replay would go back to me making a
close pass.
Yes folks, GPFPS does what it is advertised to do, but you should make
sure that you are well below 100% just to be on the safe side.
BTW, those flag marshalls can really whip that flag at 35fps.